Tandarts Amsterdam-Zuid

The dental practice for the whole family

Get to know our modern practice and our friendly staff

The dental practice for the whole family

Get to know our modern practice and our friendly staff

The dental practice for the whole family

Get to know our modern practice and our friendly staff


We would like to welcome you and your family to our practice.

From generation to generation, dental practice Liem-Michael has evolved into the proficient and professional family of dentists that it is now. It is a friendly and modern family practice run by a close-knit team.

Similar to how time progressed in our practice, time moves for the families who visited us, currently visit us, and will visit us in the future. We serve generations of families, and hope that this beautiful cycle may continue long into the future.

Bring Your Family to Meet Our Family.


Introducing Us

Here is an introduction to our team. This close-knit team strives for satisfied patients with healthy, beautiful, and strong teeth.

Need an appointment? Call 020 - 6737502