

The dental bill you receive details the various service(s) or treatment(s) that occurred during your visit. Each itemized service that appears on the bill is associated with a specific code, and that code is coupled with a particular rate. Dental service rates are determined by the Dutch Health Care Authority, the Nederlandse Zorg Autoriteit (NZA) (

Standard rates 2024

After your treatment is complete, we will either print out your invoice, or send it to you via email. We ask that you please pay in full with a debit card at the end of your treatment. You may then declare the paid invoice directly to your health insurance company. For patients under 18 years of age, we will bill the Dutch insurance directly. Patients seeking services at Tandartsenpraktijk Liem-Michael agree to payment terms and conditions.

Cancellation Policy

We are always glad to assist our patients. If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please ensure that you notify us of any schedule changes at least 48 hours in advance. If you do not notify our clinic within this timeframe, you may be charged for the appointment.

After-Hours Emergencies

For emergencies that fall outside of our regular business hours, please contact one of the Emergency clinics;

Tandartspoedpraktijk in the OLVG at 0900-8602.

Mondzorgpoli Amsterdam at Louwesweg 6 1066 EC Amsterdam. You can reach Mondzorgpoli Amsterdam 24/7 but please contact them first at number 088-263 2727.

Complaints Policy

In our practice, we put our patients first, and we certainly wish to ensure that all our patients leave feeling pleased about the treatment performed. In the event that you feel you have been misinformed or experienced unfair treatment, please contact us. We will gladly review your case, and determine why a procedure was handled in a particular manner. We are happy to work with our clients and reach a fair resolution together.

Information and Complaints

For unresolved complaints, please direct your concerns to or seek advice from the Tandheelkundig Informatiepunt (TIP), Dental Information Point. TIP is in association with our professional trades union, KNMT. If this avenue does not produce a satisfactory resolution, then you may utilize the KNMT – complaints department, which we are also affiliated with. From there, there are two options, namely mediation and formal complaints. Both possibilities result in an official, legal ruling. To contact the KNMT Complaints Department directly, please visit

BIG registration

Yu Lan Micheal - 79056334002
Ward Hendriks - 09065140902
